Thursday, May 28, 2009

Trip to Sidi

The trip to Sidi took some effort but after the moto was safely stowed on top of the bus my colleague and I started with our trip.

The first meeting withe the people from Sidi - explaination of the project

Inspection of the site for the biogas plant with the people von Sidi

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting accomodated in Bobo Dioulassou

My workplace
My room...
The house.... So far these are the only places where I am spending my time.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Little success story

My first steps in French were successful - bought a ticket - got one for the intended day, time and destination! Bobo Dioulasso I am coming...


Life is starting slowely in the morning... in Quagadougou

...but it is getting more busy during the day...